Recruitment and Retention of Bilingual Health Professionals for the MCQ

As with every region in Quebec, the health care sector in the MCQ region has been negatively impacted by the COVID pandemic and is presently experiencing severe staff shortages. The CIUSSS MCQ is trying to recruit 300 nurses for the region. There is a severe lack of other bilingual professional services as well and the large majority are not bilingual. Despite this reality CASE is working to ensure that the English-speaking community in the Maurcie/Centre-du-Quebec has better access to services in their language. The challenge is huge as the population is small, 6500 (census Canada 2021) and comprises only 1.2% of the population. It is therefore very difficult to recruit bilingual professionals, hence the need for the bursary program.

In the next two years, CASE will address the need for bilingual health care professionals by working with our public partners and community organizations to promote careers in the health and social service sector; promote the bursary program to bilingual students in our region; and support the students in obtaining employment in the health care institution. CASE will continue to administer the bursary program by identifying priority areas of employment to meet the needs of the ESC, recruit a diverse roster of talented candidates, supporting them through their studies, and remaining in touch after graduation as they work in the public system to support the MCQ community. CASE will build on existing partnerships with English schools and develop new ones with French schools that have strong English programs, to promote careers in health through visits to local educational institutions, health fairs, and/or meetings with health professionals.

As retaining both students and graduates in the long term can be an issue, we will work in partnership with two local high schools to prepare materials to support students embarking on higher education and help them be prepared to face challenges with resources, information, and tips that are specific to our region.

We will prepare the groundwork for a vital "Lunch and Learn" program for health professionals interested in practicing their English communication skills by promoting the idea, developing and sharing materials to demonstrate the effectiveness of this sort of program with the CIUSSS, and strengthening our partnership with the CIUSSS. We will launch a pilot project of online conversation sessions with local health professionals and look into the possibility of in-person activities.