Research and Evaluation Program

Dialogue McGill supports research projects to address access and delivery of health and social services to English-speaking communities in Quebec. Dialogue McGill also conducts program evaluation for all its initiatives using evidence-based approaches and various knowledge translation activities.

Our Research Support

Group of people taking notes

Research Funding

Researchers affiliated with a Quebec university or research institution can obtain funding for innovative projects


Student Research Stipends

Students who wish to develop and pursue a research project under the supervision of a faculty member/researcher can apply for a student research stipend.

Funded Research Projects

We fund applied research projects that focus on health and social services access for official language minority communities in Quebec. Explore our previously and currently funded projects.

Rolls of older papers in a bin
Man talking to a crowd

Dialogue McGill Conference

Dialogue McGill organizes an annual conference that gives researchers, community partners, education institutions, policy makers, and other key stakeholders the opportunity to exchange and share knowledge on the best practices to enhance access to health and social services for official language minority communities.

Our Research & Evaluation Goals

The key activities of Dialogue McGill’s Research and Performance Evaluation Program are to:

  • understand how access to health care and social services for official language minority communities may be limited by linguistic barriers;

  • identify and develop strategies to overcome or reduce identified barriers;

  • increase dissemination and adoption of knowledge, strategies, and best practices which can address the health concerns of official language; minority communities;

  • connect researchers, health and social services institutions, and community partners to discover collaboration opportunities; and

  • evaluate the progress and impact of Dialogue McGill’s activities.